
my publications by categories in chronological order


  1. book
    Basic Computer. Part 1: Study guide
    Afanasev, D.B., Bessmertny, I.A., Bykovskii, S.V., Ilina, A.G., Klimenkov, S.V., and Koroleva, I.A.
  2. conf
    Panorama Stitching Method Using Sensor Fusion
    Goncharov, A., and Bykovskii, S.
    In CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2020
  3. conf
    Scalable simulation environment of microcontrollers with remote access
    Bykovskii, S., Prilutskaya, T., and Kormilitsyna, E.
    In CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2020
  4. article
    Model of automated synthesis tool for hardware accelerators of convolutional neural networks for programmable logic devices
    Egiazarian, V., and Bykovskii, S.
    Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics 2020
  5. conf
    MLIP Cores: Designing Hardware Generators with Programmable Microarchitectural Mechanisms
    Antonov, A., Kustarev, P., and S., Bikovsky
    In IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2020
  6. conf
    Optimization strategies for high-level synthesis of convolutional neural networks hardware accelerators
    Egiazarian, V., and Bykovskii, S.
    In 20th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM 2020


  1. conf
    Adaptive Regular Pattern Prefetcher for L1 Data Cache for Miroprocessors with RISC-V ISA
    Tishuk, B., and Bykovskii, S.
    In CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2019
  2. conf
    Stereo matching using convolution neural network and LIDAR support point grid
    Bykovskii, S., Denisov, A., Zhdanov, A., Belozubov, A., Antonov, A., Kormilitsyna, E., and Zdanov, D.
    In Proceedings of SPIE 2019
  3. conf
    Possibility of vergence disagreement reducing on the base of approximate restoration of the depth map
    Zhdanov, A.D., Zhdanov, D.D., Potemin, I.S., Bogdanov, N.N., and Bykovskii, S.
    In Proceedings of SPIE 2019
  4. conf
    Using convolutional neural network for matching cost computation in stereo matching
    Denisov, A., Wang, Y., Zhdanov, A., and Bykovskii, S.
    In Proceedings of SPIE 2019
  5. conf
    Methods of computational process scheduling for synthesis of hardware microarchitecture
    Antonov, A., Kustarev, P., and Bykovskii, S.
    In 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2019
  6. book
    Функциональная схемотехника. Практикум
    Антонов, А.А., Быковский, С.В., Кустарев, П.В., Кормилицын, К.А., and Пинкевич, В.Ю.


  1. conf
    Computational process specification model for embedded systems testing and debug with record and deterministic replay
    Pinkevich, V., Platunov, A., and Bykovskii, S.
    In 18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM 2018


  1. conf
    Improving Microarchitecture Design and Hardware Generation using Micro-Language IP Cores
    Antonov, A., Kustarev, P., and Bikovsky, S.
    In IEEE Nordic Circuits and Systems Conference (NORCAS) / NORCHIP and International Symposium of System-on-Chip (SoC) 2017


  1. book
    Сопряжённое проектирование встраиваемых систем (Hardware/Software Co-Design). Часть 1
    Быковский, С.В., Горбачев, Я.Г., Ключев, А.О., Пенской, А.В., and Платунов, А.Е.
  2. book
    Сопряжённое проектирование встраиваемых систем (Hardware/Software Co-Design). Часть 2
    Быковский, С.В., Горбачев, Я.Г., Ключев, А.О., Пенской, А.В., and Платунов, А.Е.


  1. conf
    Model-driven runtime embedded monitoring for industrial controllers
    Kustarev, P., Bykovskii, S., Milin, V., and Antonov, A.
    In 14th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, TrustCom 2015 2015
  2. conf
    Functional monitoring of SoC with dynamic actualization of behavioral model
    Kustarev, P., Bikovsky, S., and Pinkevich, V.
    In 4th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing 2015


  1. article
    Монитор временных ограничений для систем на кристалле
    Антонов, А.А., Быковский, С.В., and Кустарев, П.В.
    Известия высших учебных заведений. Приборостроение 2014


  1. article
    Техника измерения температуры локального участка программируемых интегральных схем на базе метода Монте-Карло
    Кустарев, П.В., and Быковский, С.В.
    Научно-технический вестник информационных технологий, механики и оптики [Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics] 2013